Materials / Reports With Data

How are other charities across the UK using digital? What are the skills gaps, and how do these effect the sustainability of the sector? How could digital help charities deal with the challenges it faces in 2017?

With a steady rise in small charities indicating likelihood of closure, sustainability is a growing issue. If governments fail to recognise the real value of the services delivered by small charities, if they continue the momentum to engage with larger private business to deliver wide scale contracts, they will fail to invest sufficiently in the small charity sector.

CAF has been producing the UK Giving report since 2004, and has been tracking giving in the UK for
several decades. In that time, there have been a number of changes to how the study is conducted
in terms of approach and questions asked. This is the second year in which the research has been
conducted on the GfK National Omnibus.

The twin forces of mobile technology and online transactions have transformed most sectors over the past decade.

Find out more in one of the best charity industry reports we have read. Short and full of data and great points.

Corporate Giving describes the donations made by corporations and private companies towards charitable
causes. This can be in the form of a cash or in-kind gift to a charity or community organisation.

Annual business population estimates for the UK and regions in 2016. Includes revised totals for 2013 to 2015, taking account of updated source data.

How to measure the value and results of corporate philanthropy remains one of corporate giving professionals’ greatest challenges. Social and business benefits are often long-term or intangible, which make systematic measurement complex. And yet: Corporate philanthropy faces increasing pressures to show it is as strategic, cost-effective, and value-enhancing as possible.

The 2017 Global NGO Online Technology Report ( is a research project that seeks to gain a better understanding of how non-governmental organizations (NGOs) worldwide use online technology to engage their supporters and donors. Sponsored by the Public Interest Registry ( and researched by Nonprofit Tech for Good (, the report summarizes how NGOs worldwide use web and email communications, online and mobile fundraising tools, and social and mobile media.

Our aim is to provide more insight into the attitudes and behaviours of donors, as well as taking
better account of changing patterns of giving such as mobile and online channels. UK Giving has
always been based on large-sample surveys to estimate patterns of giving that add to the picture
we can gain from charity accounts. The study now captures data at four points throughout the year,
rather than the three previously, which results in a larger annual sample size and ensures that some