Some 1.4 billion people are involved in the philanthropy sector every year. And there is true strength in numbers. But doesn’t that crowd strength start with those doing things on a personal level? Remember Archimedes' famous quote: Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world. And that brings me to what KindLink wants to do for the world in 2020 and throughout this decade.
This year, we will provide everyone who wants to change the world with the chance and the tools to do so. See, we are all driven by the wish to do good at KindLink, and throughout our ecosystem of corporates and charities. But we want to take it a step further. We want to provide every company - may it be two employees or a few hundred - the lever and the fulcrum to move the Earth from its place.
And it can start small: you know how cleaning the riverfront behind your office can make a difference? Imagine what it would mean to have access to charities and causes around the world, so that you can increase your impact, built through your volunteering, donating your expertise or funds, or anything else you can bring to the table. Imagine if the good you do in your community could see exponentially more impact and if you could also showcase your initiatives so that you can inspire others to do the same.
We believe it is the many who will change the world, sometimes working in small teams, sometimes in big ones, and we are now doing our bit to empower them. We believe that being able to do good and help others or the environment should be a basic human right.
As such, KindLink is launching the “Doing good is a basic human right” programme. As part of that, we are giving companies a chance to come into our ecosystem and start maximising the impact of their good initiatives. We are also ensuring they have access to our global marketplace for charities to be matched with, for a targeted approach on doing good.
See below our five initiatives. Take part or help us spread the news. And join us in making the world a better place.
CSR in a Box: Get a Made-to-Measure Strategy for Your Business
Volunteering Platform & Opportunities Package
Environmental & Sustainability CSR Package