
It's a long-held assumption that you get what you pay for, and that charities should accept to either pay a lot for good online fundraising tools or be stuck with clunky systems that do not really do the job.

As the first social enterprise with a global vision of an equal and connected world, we like to do things differently here at KindLink. On our platform, charities can raise funds online and engage with their donors at no cost, using state of the art tools.


Welcome to the 2013 Social Charity Study, our third annual review of social and digital activity amongst the UK charity sector, and this year there have been some startling findings.

CAF has been producing the UK Giving report since 2004, and has been tracking giving in the UK for
several decades. In that time, there have been a number of changes to how the study is conducted
in terms of approach and questions asked. This is the second year in which the research has been
conducted on the GfK National Omnibus.

The twin forces of mobile technology and online transactions have transformed most sectors over the past decade.

Find out more in one of the best charity industry reports we have read. Short and full of data and great points.

Our aim is to provide more insight into the attitudes and behaviours of donors, as well as taking
better account of changing patterns of giving such as mobile and online channels. UK Giving has
always been based on large-sample surveys to estimate patterns of giving that add to the picture
we can gain from charity accounts. The study now captures data at four points throughout the year,
rather than the three previously, which results in a larger annual sample size and ensures that some

The CAF World Giving Index is a leading study on global generosity. Now in its seventh year, it provides a picture of charitable behaviour around the world.

The CAF World Giving Index measures the average percentage of people in each country who donate money, volunteer or help a stranger. 

The aim of the CAF World Giving Index is to provide insight into the scope and nature of giving around the world. In order to ensure that giving is understood in its various forms, the report looks at three aspects of giving behaviour. The questions that lie at the heart of the report are:

Have you done any of the following in the past month? Helped a stranger, or someone you didn’t know who needed help? Donated money to a charity? Volunteered your time to an organisation?

Corporate fundraising is one of the areas where there is real potential for growth. While income from corporate fundraising has remained steady, and indeed grown, over the last few years, we know that it could do more. One of the striking figures from this report is that nearly all respondents believe that corporate fundraising is an area of growth for their organisations and two thirds are planning to increase investment in their teams.