
We’re rounding off the year here at KindLink with some good news – we’re delighted to officially announce our partnership with GoodBox. As we head into 2022, KindLink users will be able to leverage our wealth of experience within the online fundraising space, alongside GoodBox’s cutting-edge contactless payment technology. 

KindLink is excited to announce that we now support over 1,000 charities and nonprofit organizations with our free software, fundraising and impact reporting platform. We are grateful to be able to help these charitable organizations make the world a kinder place within the United Kingdom and internationally. KindLink was founded with the intention of bringing transparency and efficiency to the charity sector, and we will continue to connect businesses and charities through their kind work.

We recently published a post about compliance when accepting online donations for charities, and although online donations are the way forward in terms of donor preferences and fund security most non-profit organisations still accept other types of donations - such as bank transfers, cheques, cash, etc. - so it is time to discuss how charities would like to or should manage their donation records.

Every year charities claim more than £1 billion back from the HMRC as part of the Gift Aid scheme. The scheme has proved to be hugely successful as an additional income stream for non-profits and is a way to give donors a clear say on what their taxes (or at least part of them) should be spent on.