sustainable development goals, SDG, SDGs, carbon emissions, carbon emission, water consumption, waste, waste generated,

Sustainability is easily one of the defining issues facing businesses today. Resource scarcity, waste, and environmental impact are problems we can’t ignore. As a result, companies are under increasing pressure to find more renewable and environmentally friendly solutions. This is why an increasing number of businesses are changing how they work to try and enter the “circular economy.” 

What Is SDG? 

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have emerged as a pivotal framework for addressing the world's most pressing challenges. In this article, we’ll delve into the concept of SDGs and explore their global significance, particularly in the context of businesses incorporating them into their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) policies.

With the sustained rise in conscious consumerism, being seen as a sustainable business in the world of modern commerce is increasingly important. Whether your brand’s positioning is fully centred around admirable eco-credentials, or if you’re simply trying to improve your ESG score, taking inspiration from others is always valuable.

Stay motivated on your business’ path towards sustainability – in this article, we’ll give some examples of brands who are doing great things in the field, highlighting a key lesson that each can teach us…

Based on the 2008/09 baselines, the UK aims to do the following by 2020/2021: reduce absolute carbon emissions by 34%, reduce water consumption by 50%, reduce the weight of waste generated by 30%, recycle 75% of waste generated by weight. Companies are now working on their sustainability initiatives in different fields, from suppliers to the way the workplace is organised.