Our Aim
The News Centre you are currently browsing has been built for people with interest in the non-profit sector to help share the knowledge we have acquired building KindLink. The Centre has functionalities meant to make it easier for users to find what they are looking for. The Home view presents you with a Search engine and all the Categories you can quickly access and browse through to help you find the best material or blog article. Lastly, every page is shareable over email or social media so that you can send that nice article you've found to a colleague or friend. Sharing is caring :)
KindLink Resource Centre is a combination of:
1. Blog posts from charity industry specialists
2. Product release notes about the free software we create for charities
3. Industry reports from various sources
The Content
We started our social enterprise with the aim to help those who help e.g. people in the charity sector. As we wanted to be thorough and make sure we deliver the ultimate solution to charities our team spend a lot of hours in research and collecting data. So we discovered more than 100 industry reports tackling different problems and providing good user cases and data to help charities - from fundraising through latest donor trends and technology. All these can be found under Materials.
As we grew up we met a lot of fundraising specialists, corporate relations experts and discovered there is a great need for their knowledge to be shared and reach charities. From our experience with working with more than 50 charities, the user cases we collect and people we know we will be building our Blog. Hope it helps you in your daily work.
Lastly, as a technology company (and an amazing tech team if I may add :) we release new features and fixes every week so we will utilise our Blog posts to publish those releases and details about how they help the charities that use the KindLink free software to grow and flourish. Of course they will have their own category you can browse through.
Right of use
Most of the resources published in the Materials section are not owned by us but are freely available in the public domain so we have only compiled them. We diligently make sure to publish the links the organisation which has issued the report and owns the rights to it. For any report enquiries and official use of their materials please contact them directly. KindLink does not own the rights to any materials sourced from other organisations and does not take responsibility for any misuse.