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Kisiizi Partners

icon-location 1 Downs Way, Reading, RG31 6SL, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 1079118

icon-phone 07883025606


Kisiizi Partners supports Christian hospitals in developing countries, primarily Kisiizi Hospital in south-west Uganda. Many larger charities and grant making bodies prefer to fund capital costs or other special projects, often stipulating that th...See more
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Emergency funding for COVID-19 preparations in Kisiizi Hospital, Uganda

Emergency funding for COVID-19 preparations in Kisiizi Hospital, Uganda

opportunity-dates 30 Mar - 01 Aug 2020
The COVID19 pandemic could have a catastrophic affect on hospitals in resource poor countries, where social distancing is difficult, patients have poor access to healthcare, and there are very limited intensive care beds. The medical superintendent at Kisiizi Hospital has highlighted the anticipated inpacts, and the need for increased funding at this time. -Supply lines of essential medicines and equipment into the hospital - already some key obstetric drugs are in shortage and prices are increasing, and transport is becoming more challenging. •The financial situation in Kisiizi - the fall of the pound experienced during Brexit has continued to affect how much money is worth when it arrives in Kisiizi. •The school of nursing and midwifery has had to close, meaning that all of the practical ways in which the students contribute to hospital life are lost - this will leave a big hole. •The cancellation of electives and overseas visits - not only are there a lot of disappointed people, overseas visits provide key income for the hospital, with significant contributions to the Good Samaritan Fund, used to support the poorest patients. •The impact on the insurance scheme - the insurance scheme premiums are very low but if a lot of people suddenly become unwell, this could cause the scheme to collapse - this is a very real danger despite it being one of the oldest and best established schemes in Southern Africa. •You will have heard a lot about the upscaling of intensive care in the UK. Kisiizi has one theatre ventilator and no intensive care capabilities, and limited supplies of oxygen and respiratory support. The service could easily become overwhelmed.
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £20000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

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