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Child care practitioner

icon-location Wade Tenants Hall, Buedell House, Parkers Row Dockhead, London, SE1 2DH, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number unincorporated

icon-phone 07961705173


Smiley’s Playtime was created in response to a need expressed by parents and carers to provide more play facilities in the local area. The project began in September 2015 on the Dickens Estate, serving parents and carers with babies and toddlers 0-4 ...See more
Income £ 0Total income in the last financial year.
Expenditure £ 0Total expenditure in the last financial year.
Projects 0Number of projects currently being implemented.
Employees 0Number of staff employed in the last financial year.
Volunteers 5Number of people who volunteered in the last financial year.
Update Score 0Number of updates divided by the number of projects. The higher the number, the better!