Strength & Stem logo

Strength & Stem

icon-location 81 Rectory Lane, Byfleet, KT14 7LX, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 1192080

icon-phone 07724487302


Strength & Stem is a small charity that uses floristry to empower women who have survived human trafficking. Our aim is for the women we work with to be empowered socially - through increased wellbeing and self-efficacy, and economically - working to...See more
Income £ 0Total income in the last financial year.
Expenditure £ 0Total expenditure in the last financial year.
Projects 0Number of projects currently being implemented.
Employees 0Number of staff employed in the last financial year.
Volunteers 0Number of people who volunteered in the last financial year.
Update Score 0Number of updates divided by the number of projects. The higher the number, the better!