BBF - The BALPA Benevolent Fund
BALPA House, 5 Heathrow Boulevard, 278 Bath Road, West Drayton, UB7 0DQ, United Kingdom
Registration number 229957
We are dedicated to helping aviators and their families who are in need, providing financial assistance through grants or loans, guidance and practical help, and funding for education or retraining leading to new opportunities beyond flying. https://...See more
See other opportunities to help us here
Learn more what is happening in the philanthropy space here

BBF - The BALPA Benevolent Fund - helps aviators and their families who are in need, providing financial assistance through grants or loans, guidance and practical help, and funding for education or retraining leading to new opportunities beyond flyi...See more

BBF@Virgin - we are delighted to accept donations dedicated to helping current or former Virgin pilots, particularly those recently made redundant due to the COVID-19 crisis.
Quick Statistics
Income £ 40,869Total income in the last financial year.
Expenditure £ 40,658Total expenditure in the last financial year.
Projects 0Number of projects currently being implemented.
Employees 0Number of staff employed in the last financial year.
Volunteers 6Number of people who volunteered in the last financial year.
Update Score 1Number of updates divided by the number of projects. The higher the number, the better!