CAP Fundraising by Willowfield Parish Community Association cover photo


raised by 19 donations

of £10,000.00 Target Goal


The Story

This past year has been difficult for a lot of families, particularly for those who have contacted CAP for help with their debt due to the Cost of Living Crisis. With the added expenditure of Christmas, we want to help as many of our clients as possible through these cold, difficult winter months. Your contribution will enable us to help with top-ups of gas, electricity and oil, and provide toys for their children on Christmas morning, along with other support throughout the year. We will ensure they also receive a substantial Christmas Hamper with food and treats to ensure Christmas Day is enjoyable and worry free.

Willowfield Parish Community Association

This past year has been difficult for a lot of families, particularly for those who have contacted CAP for help with their debt due to the Cost of Living Crisis. With the added expenditure of Christmas, we want to help as many of our clients as possible through these cold, difficult winter months. Your contribution will enable us to help with top-ups of gas, electricity and oil, and provide toys for their children on Christmas morning, along with other support throughout the year. We will ensure they also receive a substantial Christmas Hamper with food and treats to ensure Christmas Day is enjoyable and worry free.

CAP Fundraising: Photos

CAP Fundraising: Latest Donations