Sewing Machine
by Quba Trust
raised by 0 donations
of £100,000.00 Target Goal
The Story
A person's livelihood refers to their "means of securing the basic necessities of life". Livelihood is defined as a set of activities essential to everyday life that are conducted over one's life span. Such activities could include securing water, food, fodder, medicine, shelter, clothing. By providing life-saving, nutritious meals to the poor and needy, you can change lives.
Providing life-saving, nutritious meals to the poor and needy, you can change lives.
Quba Trust
A person's livelihood refers to their "means of securing the basic necessities of life". Livelihood is defined as a set of activities essential to everyday life that are conducted over one's life span. Such activities could include securing water, food, fodder, medicine, shelter, clothing, Sewing machine. By providing life-saving, nutritious meals to the poor and needy, you can change lives.
Providing life-saving, nutritious meals to the poor and needy, you can change lives.
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