by Pluto Educational Trust

EMERGENCY COVID-19 APPEAL by Pluto Educational Trust cover photo


raised by 0 donations

of $40,000.00 Target Goal


The Story

Coffee producers in East Africa are nearing the end of this year's harvest, but due to COVID-19 it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to stay on track and remain resilient with normal levels of working capital. Pressure to finish is putting already vulnerable people in even more vulnerable positions. Having to go to work without access to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) or self-sanitary stations puts them and their communities at risk. Furthermore, due to an imbalance in traditional gendered roles and lack of access to resources in many Sub-Saharan countries, there is strong evidence to suggest that women will be disproportionately affected by COVID-19. Many of the cooperatives we are supporting in this effort have high numbers of female members and support the organisation of women’s groups and programmes that are designed to elevate women’s position within the community. Flattened demand, cancelled shipments, closed ports and transport lockdowns means that coffee producers in countries like Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo will be sitting on large stores of fresh, green coffee, without the means of selling it. These people are likely going to make huge losses this year, which will impact them long after the pandemic slows down. Sustainable Harvest and the Rwenzori Sustainable Trading Centre have come together to support producers across Rwanda, Uganda, DRC, Burundi, Malawi and Tanzania with PPE, food kits, and sustainable storage solutions, to assist and support these key people in the coffee supply chain in the short and long term. It is times of emergency when supply chains and passionate coffee consumers need to come together to support the backbone of our industry, our producers.

Pluto Educational Trust

Coffee producers in East Africa are nearing the end of this year's harvest, but due to COVID-19 it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to stay on track and remain resilient with normal levels of working capital. Pressure to finish is putting already vulnerable people in even more vulnerable positions. Having to go to work without access to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) or self-sanitary stations puts them and their communities at risk. Furthermore, due to an imbalance in traditional gendered roles and lack of access to resources in many Sub-Saharan countries, there is strong evidence to suggest that women will be disproportionately affected by COVID-19. Many of the cooperatives we are supporting in this effort have high numbers of female members and support the organisation of women’s groups and programmes that are designed to elevate women’s position within the community. Flattened demand, cancelled shipments, closed ports and transport lockdowns means that coffee producers in countries like Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo will be sitting on large stores of fresh, green coffee, without the means of selling it. These people are likely going to make huge losses this year, which will impact them long after the pandemic slows down. Sustainable Harvest and the Rwenzori Sustainable Trading Centre have come together to support producers across Rwanda, Uganda, DRC, Burundi, Malawi and Tanzania with PPE, food kits, and sustainable storage solutions, to assist and support these key people in the coffee supply chain in the short and long term. It is times of emergency when supply chains and passionate coffee consumers need to come together to support the backbone of our industry, our producers.


EMERGENCY COVID-19 APPEAL by Pluto Educational Trust fundraising photo 1
EMERGENCY COVID-19 APPEAL by Pluto Educational Trust fundraising photo 2