Example Tribute Fund  by London Asbestos Support Awareness Group cover photo


raised by 0 donations

of £1,500.00 Target Goal


The Story

Giving in memory of someone is a very special way to commemorate their life by making a donation, holding a collection at a funeral or memorial service, setting up a tribute page, making a regular gift to mark a special date, such as a birthday, or taking part in an event or challenge in their name. This is an example of a tribute / in-memory fundraising page for London Asbestos Support Awareness Group. We can help you can set-up a tribute page to collect donations in memory of a loved one. Please get in touch with us: tributes@LASAG.org.uk Thank you

London Asbestos Support Awareness Group

Giving in memory of someone is a very special way to commemorate their life by making a donation, holding a collection at a funeral or memorial service, setting up a tribute page, making a regular gift to mark a special date, such as a birthday, or taking part in an event or challenge in their name. This is an example of a tribute / in-memory fundraising page for London Asbestos Support Awareness Group. We can help you can set-up a tribute page to collect donations in memory of a loved one. Please get in touch with us: tributes@LASAG.org.uk Thank you

Example Tribute Fund : Photos

Example Tribute Fund  by London Asbestos Support Awareness Group fundraising photo 1

Example Tribute Fund : Latest Donations