Constructing a Children’s Rehabilitation and Exercise Play Area

by Knowledge for Change

Constructing a Children’s Rehabilitation and Exercise Play Area by Knowledge for Change cover photo


raised by 0 donations

of £2,000.00 Target Goal


The Story

Earlier in 2022, K4C invested in renovating the Rehabilitation Unit at Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital, to help people who have lost limbs, usually as a result of road traffic accidents, land mines, diabetes or domestic violence. The outdoor area adjacent to the newly refurbished rehabilitation facility was also previously used for rehabilitation, primarily so patients could practice walking on bumpy ground and steps etc. however this area has fallen into disuse. It is common for adults and children to spend 3-4 weeks at the facility whilst they receive care and rehabilitation. During this time, female patients are usually accompanied by children who cook and clean for them during their stay. K4C is planning to refurbish the outside area mentioned above to create new exercise areas for both adults and children. We will also provide some active play equipment to help them in their rehabilitation and improve their well-being during extended stays.

Knowledge for Change

Earlier in 2022, K4C invested in renovating the Rehabilitation Unit at Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital, to help people who have lost limbs, usually as a result of road traffic accidents, land mines, diabetes or domestic violence. The outdoor area adjacent to the newly refurbished rehabilitation facility was also previously used for rehabilitation, primarily so patients could practice walking on bumpy ground and steps etc. however this area has fallen into disuse. It is common for adults and children to spend 3-4 weeks at the facility whilst they receive care and rehabilitation. During this time, female patients are usually accompanied by children who cook and clean for them during their stay. K4C is planning to refurbish the outside area mentioned above to create new exercise areas for both adults and children. We will also provide some active play equipment to help them in their rehabilitation and improve their well-being during extended stays.

Constructing a Children’s Rehabilitation and Exercise Play Area: Photos

Constructing a Children’s Rehabilitation and Exercise Play Area by Knowledge for Change fundraising photo 1

Constructing a Children’s Rehabilitation and Exercise Play Area: Latest Donations