Fourth World Action

by Fourth World Action

Fourth World Action by Fourth World Action cover photo


raised by 46 donations

of £10,000.00 Target Goal


The Story

Supports marginalised communities in India.

Fourth World Action

Supports marginalised communities in India.

Fourth World Action: Photos

Fourth World Action: Latest Donations

Joel donated £5.00+ £1.25 on 2024/9/29 at 1:46.

Joel donated £5.00+ £1.25 on 2024/8/29 at 1:46.

Joel donated £5.00+ £1.25 on 2024/7/29 at 1:46.

Joel donated £5.00+ £1.25 on 2024/6/29 at 1:46.

"Amazing cause!"

Emma donated £20.00+ £5.00 on 2024/6/6 at 9:16.

Joel donated £5.00+ £1.25 on 2024/5/29 at 15:56.

hannah donated £1.00+ £0.25 on 2024/5/21 at 19:27.