CIMA Benevolent Fund - Members in Need

by CIMA Benevolent Fund

CIMA Benevolent Fund - Members in Need by CIMA Benevolent Fund cover photo


raised by 71 donations

of £5,000.00 Target Goal


The Story

The CIMA Benevolent Fund is dedicated to supporting our members in times of need. Through the generosity of CIMA member donations, we provide crucial assistance to those facing financial hardships. Your contributions make a significant difference in the lives of our community. To learn more and to make a donation, please visit our website. Thank you for your support!

CIMA Benevolent Fund

The CIMA Benevolent Fund is dedicated to supporting our members in times of need. Through the generosity of CIMA member donations, we provide crucial assistance to those facing financial hardships. Your contributions make a significant difference in the lives of our community. To learn more and to make a donation, please visit our website. Thank you for your support!

CIMA Benevolent Fund - Members in Need: Photos

CIMA Benevolent Fund - Members in Need: Latest Donations

Susan donated £20.00+ £5.00 on 2024/7/5 at 19:8.