Source2City  by Chartered Accountants' Livery Charity cover photo


raised by 33 donations

of £50,000.00 Target Goal


The Story

The Chartered Accountants' Livery Charity is proud to host the fundraising page for Graeme Gordon's epic 160 mile row of the River Thames from the source to the City. This charity fundraising event will take place in August 2021 to raise funds for projects undertaken by the following charities, nominated by Graeme: - The Chartered Accountants' Livery Charity - The Lord Mayor's Appeal - The Feltmakers' Charitable Trust - The Sheriffs & Recorder's Fund - Marlow RowAbility

Chartered Accountants' Livery Charity

The Chartered Accountants' Livery Charity is proud to host the fundraising page for Graeme Gordon's epic 160 mile row of the River Thames from the source to the City. This charity fundraising event will take place in August 2021 to raise funds for projects undertaken by the following charities, nominated by Graeme: - The Chartered Accountants' Livery Charity - The Lord Mayor's Appeal - The Feltmakers' Charitable Trust - The Sheriffs & Recorder's Fund - Marlow RowAbility

Source2City : Photos

Source2City  by Chartered Accountants' Livery Charity fundraising photo 1

Source2City : Latest Donations

"Good luck Graeme! It is awesome you are doing this course! "

Anonymous donated £100.00 on 2021/6/11 at 15:37.

"Graeme thank you for your dedication to give back!"

Kellie donated £400.00 on 2021/5/13 at 13:11.

"Good luck Graeme!"

Robert donated £150.00+ £37.50 on 2021/5/10 at 16:59.

"Looks great and enjoy."

Edwin donated £200.00 on 2021/5/10 at 10:25.

"Wishing you luck from the Bowyers"

David donated £100.00+ £25.00 on 2021/5/5 at 9:18.

"Great idea Graeme. All the best! David "

David donated £200.00+ £50.00 on 2021/4/28 at 15:12.

"Good luck Graeme - tremendous effort"

Clive donated £100.00+ £25.00 on 2021/4/28 at 9:31.