One Bridge. A Global Solution by Bridges to Prosperity UK Charitable Trust cover photo


raised by 10 donations

of £10,000.00 Target Goal


The Story

The journey to connect 1.2 million people started with one bridge and by assembling one team. Two decades later, we still build the same way - bridge by bridge and together as a team. B2P's work continues because of many people like you who support and partner with us in ways big and small.

Bridges to Prosperity UK Charitable Trust

The journey to connect 1.2 million people started with one bridge and by assembling one team. Two decades later, we still build the same way - bridge by bridge and together as a team. B2P's work continues because of many people like you who support and partner with us in ways big and small.

One Bridge. A Global Solution: Photos

One Bridge. A Global Solution by Bridges to Prosperity UK Charitable Trust fundraising photo 1

One Bridge. A Global Solution: Latest Donations

"Thank you for all the good work you are doing, Jon. Happy to help. May God continue to bless the work of Bridges to Prosperity. Love always, Jamie & Denise"

Denise donated £400.00 on 2021/1/13 at 20:30.

"This effort to build two bridges is brilliant."

Jon donated £600.00+ £150.00 on 2021/1/13 at 18:0.

"Well done for building bridges Jon!"

Russell Alan donated £100.00+ £25.00 on 2020/12/30 at 11:42.

Anonymous donated £30.00+ £7.50 on 2020/12/27 at 22:10.

Anonymous donated £30.00+ £7.50 on 2020/12/8 at 13:39.

Anonymous donated £20.00+ £5.00 on 2020/12/7 at 18:8.

Michael donated £100.00+ £25.00 on 2020/12/5 at 11:32.