Theatre production - Bright Stars

by BitSid Foundation

Theatre production - Bright Stars by BitSid Foundation cover photo


raised by 2 donations

of £10,000.00 Target Goal


The Story

We are going to create a play with the kids about the dangers of knife crime. They will be supported with an expert storyteller and show producers to write the play and act in it. We will be opening the show to the public in November 2018. We need to raise funds to hire the venue, purchase props and costumes and pay for staff time

BitSid Foundation

We are going to create a play with the kids about the dangers of knife crime. They will be supported with an expert storyteller and show producers to write the play and act in it. We will be opening the show to the public in November 2018. We need to raise funds to hire the venue, purchase props and costumes and pay for staff time

Theatre production - Bright Stars: Photos

Theatre production - Bright Stars: Latest Donations