All charitable work

by Age Concern

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raised by 76 donations

of £75,000.00 Target Goal


The Story

Age Concern Bishop’s Stortford supports over 100 of the most vulnerable older people throughout Bishop’s Stortford and the surrounding villages every week. More specifically, our Day Service on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday supports approximately 90 local older people per week. Age Concern Bishop’s Stortford is supported by over 50 volunteers. The much-loved Day Centre aims to build resilience in the members through activities, exercise and a chance to socialise. We provide social activities, freshly cooked healthy meals, seated exercise classes, support service drop ins, arts & crafts classes, digital classes and rooms for the use of others. In other words, a ‘youth group’ for oldies’ (as described by our clients) to ensure older residents can be fit and healthy and live independently in their own homes for as long as possible. The impact of Age Concern Bishop’s Stortford is much wider than supporting our Day Service clients. The local community are also invited to attend wellbeing and activity sessions including our grandparent and toddler group, over 70s yoga and our weekly arts and crafts group. We also encourage local community providers to partner with us, for example, the local NHS run pain management workshops with us and local artists groups to provide multicultural activities and local entertainers to deliver lifestyle wellness sessions. This year, we have a shortfall of £45000 to keep Age Concern Bishop’s Stortford open. Your donation will help reduce this gap and enable members of the Centre and the wider community to continue receiving the health and wellbeing support they need.

Age Concern

Our general project which can be used to fund-raise on our website and for general appeals

All charitable work: Photos

All charitable work: Latest Donations