Caring for people with cancer
by South East Cancer Help Centre

raised by 85 donations
of £70,000.00 Target Goal
The Story
SECHC aims to give any person affected by cancer an opportunity to explore ways which may help them to cope with their situation. Confidentiality is always maintained. The Centre aims to respect and support them in the choices they make and to provide individual and group support, complementary therapies and information within a friendly, caring environment. These services have local NHS recognition.
Our policy is to provide time and support in addition to that available from healthcare professionals at a nominal cost to the Member. We give information but not advice about cancer and its treatment.
Our strategy is to remain a well managed independent charity, staffed predominantly by trained Volunteers, with professional guidance and support. We aim to be well known and respected in our community. We seek to retain sufficient financial reserves to cope with fluctuations in fundraising and grant aid.
Our Registered charity number is 1011509.
Caring for people with cancer: Latest Donations