Fitranah in Food: The Way of the Prophet
by Seven Spikes Relief Foundation

raised by 2 donations
of £5,000.00 Target Goal
The Story
Pay Zakat ul Fitr (Fitranah) in food as practised by the Prophet PBUH and his companions. When we receive your payment, which is £5 per head, our field workers in Yemen, Egypt, Kashmir, and Bangladesh will buy the most common food in these areas and give it to those eligible on your behalf, so your fitranah from the most common food of each country will reach the most needy before Eid according to the way of the Prophet PBUH.
Can I pay my Fitranah in Money?
Muslim scholars disagree over whether or not Zakat ul Fitr ( Fitranah) can be given in money as the practise at the time of the Prophet was to give it to the poor and needy from the common food of the country or city where the Fitrana is given.
While many scholars have opined that it can be given in money nowadays. Yet, this is just one opinion and we have to also allow Muslims who believe in the original rule as practised by the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions the chance to follow their preference which is, as acknowledged even by the scholars who said you can give it in money, the way of the Prophet and the closest to the Sunnah.
Hence Seven Spikes is collecting Fitrana to be given to those eligible from the common food of the country in which it is given.
How it works
You will pay £5 in money and delegate Seven Spikes to buy food on your behalf and give it to the poor in the areas where we have active field workers. These are Yemen, Egypt, Kashmir, Bangladesh.
You can also pay direct on our website using one of the donation methods available here:
Please spread the word and remeber to tick the giftaid box to maximise your reward. JZK
Seven Spikes Relief
We care for the needy, orphans and widows

Seven Spikes Relief Foundation
Pay Zakat ul Fitr (Fitranah) in food as practised by the Prophet PBUH and his companions. When we receive your payment, which is £5 per head, our field workers in Yemen, Egypt, Kashmir, and Bangladesh will buy the most common food in these areas and give it to those eligible on your behalf, so your fitranah from the most common food of each country will reach the most needy before Eid according to the way of the Prophet PBUH.
Can I pay my Fitranah in Money?
Muslim scholars disagree over whether or not Zakat ul Fitr ( Fitranah) can be given in money as the practise at the time of the Prophet was to give it to the poor and needy from the common food of the country or city where the Fitrana is given.
While many scholars have opined that it can be given in money nowadays. Yet, this is just one opinion and we have to also allow Muslims who believe in the original rule as practised by the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions the chance to follow their preference which is, as acknowledged even by the scholars who said you can give it in money, the way of the Prophet and the closest to the Sunnah.
Hence Seven Spikes is collecting Fitrana to be given to those eligible from the common food of the country in which it is given.
How it works
You will pay £5 in money and delegate Seven Spikes to buy food on your behalf and give it to the poor in the areas where we have active field workers. These are Yemen, Egypt, Kashmir, Bangladesh.
You can also pay direct on our website using one of the donation methods available here:
Please spread the word and remeber to tick the giftaid box to maximise your reward. JZK
Seven Spikes Relief
We care for the needy, orphans and widows
Anonymous donated £3.00 on 2020/4/23 at 21:10.