by PakTrust.org

raised by 38 donations
of £10,000.00 Target Goal
The Story
Last year we launched an appeal to fund raise for 1,000 cataract surgeries, as in previous years, you donated very generously. Alhamdulliah, we have already exceeded way over the half mark and will complete that aim with your duas. With Allah’s Will and your support, we again aim to raise funds for another 1,000 cataract surgeries this year In Sha Allah.
Clouding of the eye is the single most reason leading to blindness in poor communities, this is completely avoidable at relatively small cost to us in the developed world, however, this is next to impossible for the poor to afford and they remain blind. Blindness is crippling, leaving people isolated and excluded from their families and communities both physically and financially.
A simple cataract surgery can transform lives and make it easier for the children to develop and continue with their education, for the elderly to live life with dignity, for bread winners to provide for their families.
Each cataract surgery costs only £40; this brings light where there was blindness before.
• £200 you can provide 5 life changing operations
• £1000 will provide 25 surgeries
• £3500 will provide 2 day surgical eye camp
You can of course sponsor surgical eye camp in remembrance of your loved ones; this makes a great memorable sadqa Jaaria.
Please donate your sadqa, zakat or other alms towards this noble EyeCanSee project and be a life changer for the poor of Pakistan and Azad Kashmir. Your donations will really make a difference, may Allah reward you abundtly for every penny you contribute.
Allah says in the Holy Quran: Those who spend their wealth (in charity) day and night, secretly and openly—their reward is with their Lord, and there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve.''
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said that Allah the Glorious and Exalted Says: ‘Spend (on charity), O son of Adam, and I shall spend on you.’
And no matter how much we give, we know directly from the blessed lips of the messenger (saw) that our charity will never reduce our wealth.
As Sajid Ramzan, Chairman of PakTrust.org says in the video appeal, clouding of the eyes is the single most reason leading to blindness in poor communities.
Please donate online at paktrust.org or contact us on: 07796 568973.

PakTrust.org is a registered British Charity with Charity Number 1113301.
PakTrust.org was established as a direct result of the devastating earthquake in Pakistan and Kashmir in 2005. A group of London-based professional family members, friends, relatives and supporters were spurred into action by the earthquake. Our original mission was to provide emergency relief and assistance to the earthquake victims.
Since then, our mission has been to implement charitable projects in Pakistan and Kashmir. Our projects provide maximum value for money for those providing the funds, and maximum help to the people that need it the most.
PakTrust.org is a small charity, but in a short period of time with loyal support, we have successfully implemented many projects and schemes serving hundreds of thousands families, helping some of the poorest people in society.
Anonymous donated £1,000.00 on 2023/1/12 at 21:45.