Building a new SEN unit in Siavonga Zambia

by Discovery SVS

Building a new SEN unit in Siavonga Zambia by Discovery SVS cover photo


raised by 0 donations

of £10,000.00 Target Goal


The Story

Discovery has worked in partnership with the Siavonga Nutrition Group since 2010. The two charities forming the Swansea Siavaonga Partnership. The partnership has done a huge amount of work over the decade supporting women's groups and schools. In 2016,in partnership with the local Education Authority we carried out a community consultation, looking at the numbers of disabled children not attending school and the barriers preventing them. We identified 164 children and the resounding message was that the reason they did not attend school was because there was no specialist teaching or accessible classroom. The Education Authority has since employed two brilliant specialist teachers and Siavonga Primary school hosts the class. They do not yet have resources for an accessible classroom meaning that many children still cannot attend and options are limited for those who can attend. We are raising this money so that Building Futures a Zambian NGO can work with the school to build an appropriate class room.

Discovery SVS

Discovery has worked in partnership with the Siavonga Nutrition Group since 2010. The two charities forming the Swansea Siavaonga Partnership. The partnership has done a huge amount of work over the decade supporting women's groups and schools. In 2016,in partnership with the local Education Authority we carried out a community consultation, looking at the numbers of disabled children not attending school and the barriers preventing them. We identified 164 children and the resounding message was that the reason they did not attend school was because there was no specialist teaching or accessible classroom. The Education Authority has since employed two brilliant specialist teachers and Siavonga Primary school hosts the class. They do not yet have resources for an accessible classroom meaning that many children still cannot attend and options are limited for those who can attend. We are raising this money so that Building Futures a Zambian NGO can work with the school to build an appropriate class room.

Building a new SEN unit in Siavonga Zambia: Photos

Building a new SEN unit in Siavonga Zambia: Latest Donations