Ali Sattaripour Golf Event: Pledge your support to CFAB

by Children and Families Across Borders

Ali Sattaripour Golf Event: Pledge your support to CFAB by Children and Families Across Borders cover photo


raised by 2 donations

of £50,000.00 Target Goal


The Story

Children and Families Across Borders identifies and protects the children who have been separated from their families in complex and often dangerous situations due to conflict, trafficking, migration, family breakdown or asylum-related issues. Since 1955, we have helped to protect 286,500 children through our Advice Line and 26,500 through our casework. For almost 7 decades, we have helped to reunite children and families across international borders in times of violence and war. In the last year alone, we have expanded our services to help vulnerable children and their families escaping terrifying danger in Afghanistan and more recently from the horrors of war in Ukraine. All children have the right to life and survival and we must do all we can to protect them. After a four year hiatus, we are delighted to be together today to celebrate Ali's memory with this special event. Ali was passionate about our work of helping children and families across international borders. He was ambitious on our behalf – ambitious to make us better known, ambitious for us to raise more funds and ambitious for us to help an even greater number of children and families who might otherwise be forgotten. Please give generously today so we can ensure every child is protected, no matter where they are from.

Children and Families Across Borders

Children and Families Across Borders identifies and protects the children who have been separated from their families in complex and often dangerous situations due to conflict, trafficking, migration, family breakdown or asylum-related issues. Since 1955, we have helped to protect 286,500 children through our Advice Line and 26,500 through our casework. For almost 7 decades, we have helped to reunite children and families across international borders in times of violence and war. In the last year alone, we have expanded our services to help vulnerable children and their families escaping terrifying danger in Afghanistan and more recently from the horrors of war in Ukraine. All children have the right to life and survival and we must do all we can to protect them. After a four year hiatus, we are delighted to be together today to celebrate Ali's memory with this special event. Ali was passionate about our work of helping children and families across international borders. He was ambitious on our behalf – ambitious to make us better known, ambitious for us to raise more funds and ambitious for us to help an even greater number of children and families who might otherwise be forgotten. Please give generously today so we can ensure every child is protected, no matter where they are from.

Ali Sattaripour Golf Event: Pledge your support to CFAB: Photos

Ali Sattaripour Golf Event: Pledge your support to CFAB: Latest Donations

Dariush donated £300.00+ £75.00 on 2022/5/24 at 16:48.

Stephanie donated £500.00+ £125.00 on 2022/5/23 at 19:53.