Jubi Palatty - BMCF Charity Skydiving 2024

by British Malayali Charity Foundation

Jubi Palatty - BMCF Charity Skydiving 2024 by British Malayali Charity Foundation cover photo


raised by 38 donations

of £2,500.00 Target Goal


The Story

Friends, I m taking part in British Malayali Charity Foundation's charity skydiving event 2024 to support underprivileged nursing students from Kerala who are in desperate need of financial assistance. I am highly appreciative of the charity acitivities undertaken by British Malayali Charity Foundation and thank them for this opportunity to take part in this fund raising event. Let us all come together and give them a helping hand by supporing financially however small it may be. I am undertaking skydiving challenge on 8th September 2024 at Langar, Nottingham, England. While thanking you for visiting my kindlink page, I humbly request you to please donate generously so that every penny you donate including 25% gift aid from the government directly go to the beneficiaries. That means if you donate £ 10.00, an amount of about £12.50 reaches to the most deserving people, after a nominal fee of fundraising platform. As such, would appreciate if you sponsor me by donating with whatever you can and please do not forget to give consent to reclaim the gift aid from HMRC, if your donations are eligible. Normally, all the tax paid income including your wages are eligible. With warm regards, Jubi Palatty

British Malayali Charity Foundation

We are one of the leading charity organisations amongst malayali communities (people from the southern state of Kerala, India) living in U.K established in order to extend a helping hand to the affected people back home, who are suffering from various medical/financial conditions from time to time. British Malayali Charitiy Foundation is a non-profitable registered charity organisation in U.K , registered under charity commission No. 1150804 BMCF has been formed as the result of the demands and outcry of readers of prominent online malayalam news portal ‘British Malayali‘. The office bearers and trustees has been elected by the AGM of the Foundation every year as per the norms and guidelines of the charity commission. We have a mass support of generous people from keralites and locals living across U.K and has been receiving tremendous response to our various appeals for financial assistance..We normally present and run the cases/stories of the needed ones through ‘British Malayali‘ online news portal to the general public and people respond to our requests individually and through associations by sending us donations. We have an excellent back-up in U.K and Kerala wherein we are able to verify and scrutinise the requests received from time to time for financial assistance-mostly related to life-threatening diseases and illnesses.

Jubi Palatty - BMCF Charity Skydiving 2024: Photos

Jubi Palatty - BMCF Charity Skydiving 2024 by British Malayali Charity Foundation fundraising photo 1
Jubi Palatty - BMCF Charity Skydiving 2024 by British Malayali Charity Foundation fundraising photo 2
Jubi Palatty - BMCF Charity Skydiving 2024 by British Malayali Charity Foundation fundraising photo 3

Jubi Palatty - BMCF Charity Skydiving 2024: Latest Donations

"Happy to make it above1000"

Jubi donated £150.00+ £37.50 on 2024/9/8 at 6:51.

Anonymous donated £10.00+ £2.50 on 2024/9/7 at 21:16.

Marykutty donated £10.00 on 2024/9/6 at 10:27.

Joseph donated £20.00+ £5.00 on 2024/9/6 at 8:12.

Sinsho donated £25.00+ £6.25 on 2024/9/6 at 7:39.

John donated £10.00 on 2024/9/4 at 18:6.

"All the best Jubi"

Tom donated £25.00+ £6.25 on 2024/9/3 at 14:11.