Wimbledon Guild logo

Wimbledon Guild

icon-location WIMBLEDON GUILD OF SOCIAL WELFARE GUILD HOUSE, London, SW19 4EF, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 200424

icon-phone 02089460735

icon-email abutler@wimbledonguild.co.uk


We were founded in 1907 and our vision has remained the same since the beginning: we want people in Merton to lead happy and fulfilled lives. As the needs of our local community change, we will be ready to meet new and emerging needs. Our services a...See more
Active Exercise, Stroke Recovery and Musical Moving

Active Exercise, Stroke Recovery and Musical Moving

opportunity-location London Borough of Merton, UK
opportunity-dates 01 Sep 2019 - 01 May 2020
We need regular volunteers offering time during the day to help us run these vital sessions. If you have an interest in health, movement, dance, exercise or recovery, we hope you will find this role particularly rewarding. Our volunteers just need a passion for helping others. Any skills or interests you have may be useful so please let us know when you apply. Flexibility, patience, and the ability to work in a team are essential, as are having a sense of humour and lots of enthusiasm. Evidence strongly supports the power of exercise for post-stroke patients, which combines aerobic exercises, strength training and flexibility exercises. Research has identified that exercise has both positive physical and psychosocial effects for post-stroke patients. The Dance classes are specially designed for people living with Parkinson’s. The classes take place in a warm supportive environment where participants come together to find joy, beauty and expression in movement."
icon-status Volunteering Opportunity
hrs commited
Target Goal 180 hrs
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Wimbledon Guild


Project Name

All charitable work

Helping beneficiaries


opportunity-location-logo Location