Wanstead RFC logo

Wanstead RFC

icon-location Wanstead RFC, Roding Lane North, Woodford, IG8 8JY, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number CH1977 (CASC ID not charity)

icon-phone 07967155236

icon-email accounts@wansteadrfc.com


Wanstead Rugby Club We are a rugby club for all age groups from minis all the way to vets. Please donate to help us keep improving our facilities and to keep running our tidy club!
James Martin Memorial Fund

James Martin Memorial Fund

opportunity-dates 01 Jan 2020 - 01 Jan 2021
In memory of James Martin, his family have requested that instead of flowers money be donated to the youth/mini sections of Wanstead RFC - the club James was such an integral and active member and volunteer for. Please make your donations via this page so they can be correctly allocated towards spending undertaken in his memory - and be sure to complete the Gift Aid declaration if you are eligible so the club can claim 25% extra back from the tax man and we can make your donations go further. (James used to help me with the gift aid claims and was the person who originally registered the club to receive gift-aid so I'm sure he would fully approve of this message). Many thanks, Will Fisher Treasurer Wanstead RFC
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £5000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Wanstead RFC


Project Name

James Martin Memorial Fund

Helping beneficiaries

Wanstead RFC Junior/Mini sections