Volunteer Glasgow logo

Volunteer Glasgow

icon-location Brunswick House (Ground Floor West), 51 Wilson Street, Glasgow, G1 1UZ, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number SC005462

icon-phone 01412263431

icon-email info@volunteerglasgow.org


Volunteer Glasgow is a registered charity that supports people to volunteer and that enables public and third sector organisations to provide positive, inclusive volunteering opportunities. We believe that volunteering benefits society. In fact, we...See more
Provide Support For Isolated Glasgow Families and Individuals During COVID-19

Provide Support For Isolated Glasgow Families and Individuals During COVID-19

opportunity-location Abbey House, 10 Bothwell St, Glasgow G2 6LU, UK
opportunity-dates 01 Apr - 30 Jun 2020
Coronavirus has disrupted the lives of thousands in Glasgow and safe, empowering volunteering is more important than ever. Volunteer Glasgow's Befriending & Mentoring Team are working hard to ensure that the families and individuals we support can continue accessing contact from befrienders over the phone, and that volunteers are able to safely make deliveries of food and essential household items. For many of the people we work with, the quarantine measures means they are living at increased risk of domestic, sexual and emotional abuse. We need your help to ensure that we can keep delivering services that keep communities safe and connected. We are asking for £5000 to get essential goods to people that need them, and to support the volunteers making deliveries, phone-calls and remote befriending visits. It is vital that COVID-19 doesn't mean a cliff-edge in support for people in isolation. Donate today to ensure that individuals and families across Glasgow get the support they need. Visit our website (www.volunteerglasgow.org) for more information on what we're doing to support Glasgow during COVID-19.
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £5000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Volunteer Glasgow


Project Name

Our Core Services' Operational Costs

Helping beneficiaries

The work we do in Glasgow has far reaching impact beyond our city. Volunteer Glasgow is part of a Scotland-wide network of third sector interfaces (or TSIs) that make cities more resilient, more inclusive and better places to live. Supporting Volunteer Glasgow is supporting a Scotland where volunteering is accessible and inclusive, and where volunteering builds loving communities.

opportunity-location-logo Location
icon-star Supporters
supporterKindLink Foundation