
icon-location 7 Partridge Close, Greinton, Somerset, TA7 9BA, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 1113274

icon-phone 07871626673

icon-email info@tiyeni.org


Tiyeni is a small charity organization formed in 2005. The aim of the organization is to combat hunger and poverty in Northern Malawi through soil and water conservation, and through using rural farming methods enabling optimum food production from t...See more
Combatting hunger and poverty through Sustainable Agriculture

Combatting hunger and poverty through Sustainable Agriculture

opportunity-location TA7 9BA Somerset
opportunity-dates 01 Jan 2018
Tiyeni’s climate-smart agriculture, which achieves increased yields in rainfed agriculture, is ideally positioned to effectively break the cycle of perpetual food insecurity. Farm families who practice the Tiyeni deep-bed method of farming witness over 50% increase in crop yields, even under adverse climate change impacts such as those experienced in 2015 and 2016 growing seasons. Our team of agriculturally trained Malawian staff, based in Mzuzu, train communities in Tiyeni deep-bed farming. Adopters of the system are given a hand-up, with tools and training and staff work with communities to establish demonstration gardens, which operate as training sites for those who want to take The Tiyeni method on to their own land. The objectives of the training and monitoring department are: deliver quality training on Tiyeni technology to other organizations, Agriculture Development Divisions (ADDs), and agro-business companies or individuals: make sure that the technology is well followed by these stakeholders: ensure that quality data is collected and recorded from the field.
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £5000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project



Project Name

Combatting hunger and poverty through Sustainable Agriculture

Helping beneficiaries

Farmer households benefit indirectly from increased food supply. The surrounding community also benefit from increased food surplus for sale.

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