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Thank U Charity

icon-location Dawes Road Hub, 20 Dawes Road, London, SW6 7EN, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 1179853

icon-phone 07415517521


We set up sustainable Eco-Learning Centres (ELCs) comprising of a library, computer Lab and a farm in Schools, using recyclable resources. Our aim is to end poverty through literacy, education in farming and digital skills, in under-resourced communi...See more
Padre Pio Eco-Learning Centre Project in Koforidua

Padre Pio Eco-Learning Centre Project in Koforidua

opportunity-dates 08 Sep 2018 - 27 Dec 2019
This is a sustainable Eco-Learning Centre project that helps to protect the environment through recycling while improving the quality of education in under-resourced communities in Sub-Saharan African countries. This unique project comprises of a library, computer Lab and a farm that we are setting up to serve 4 existing Schools and a nursery, in Koforidua, an area where there are no library facilities. With the aim of ending poverty through literacy, digital skills and practical education in Farming, the project is designed to help young people thrive in their own communities to become self-reliant and self-sufficient. This innovative Eco-Learning Centre project tackles 14 (nos.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16 & 17) out of the 17 United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £120000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Thank U Charity


Project Name

Padre Pio Eco-Learning Centre Project in Koforidua

Helping beneficiaries

Library As there are no libraries in the local area, this Eco-Learning Centre will service neighbouring Schools and the local community. Our aim is to establish a culture of reading amongst the local children to inspire knowledge and development beyond their geographical limitations. This ultimately opens up opportunities that will help the children, to lift themselves out of poverty, through all the possibilities that reading exposes them to. Providing An Alternative To Formal Education Our Eco-Learning Centre offers a free alternative to formal education through an e-learning intranet digital box that we provide, with extensive curricula for a wide range of subjects. This e-learning facility will be available after school, for local children who are unable to attend formal education, as well as offer adult education for the local community. This is aimed at combating the ignorance resulting from the high level of illiteracy among some the older generation. Once the learners become proficient in English, we encourage them to join our special programme that enables adults to become published writers of their native history, folktales and myths, which were previously only shared, through oral tradition. Computer Lab with modern equipment The modern computers provided will enable high-quality learning aimed at equipping the students with 21st Century digital skills, to enable them to compete in the global marketplace. The Computer Lab will also double up as a Tech Hub after School, for a 'Kids Digital Club' focused on innovation, programming, and coding, as the first step to developing a kids STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math’s) club. Farm Through the sale of eggs and chicken to the local community, the poultry farm will provide a steady stream of income for the School, to help cover costs of running the various programs on offer, through the Eco-Learning Centre. Education on Climate Change & Environmental protection The Eco-Learning Centre is embarking on a program that introduces the education of climate change, environmental protection to children. Our aim is to raise awareness of climate control at a very practical level to help the children to learn about how they can look after their environment at a local level, to support their contribution to saving the planet.