Tara Martins Community Project (CIC) logo

Tara Martins Community Project (CIC)

icon-location 118 High Street, Chatham, ME4 4BY, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 10231760 - Company register number

icon-phone 01634566260

icon-email taramartins@aol.com


Tara Martins Community Project is a community interest company (CIC). We engage homeless and unemployed people using various leisure and social activities in motivating them back into employment or further education. We also equip them with life skil...See more
TMCP Fundraiser FESTIVAL 2017

TMCP Fundraiser FESTIVAL 2017

opportunity-location ME4 4BY Chatham
opportunity-dates 01 May - 30 Sep 2017
We will be having our fundraiser event on the 2nd September 2017 in partnership with Medway Street Angels, to raise funds for ending street homelesses in the Medway area. We are ensuring that all funds will be raised towards the necessities needed at the Tara Martins Community Project Shelter and with all the other projects we have started; Cellar Project, Garden Project, and the Day Centre located in Chatham.
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £500
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Tara Martins Community Project (CIC)


Project Name

TMCP Fundraiser FESTIVAL 2017

Helping beneficiaries


opportunity-location-logo Location