St James's Church Piccadilly PCC logo

St James's Church Piccadilly PCC

icon-location 197 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9LL, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 1133048

icon-phone 02077344511


Promoting the mission of this diverse and inclusive church, that particularly supports the LGBTQ+ community, those going through homelessness or without recourse to public funds, and champions environmental sustainability.
Winter Shelter

Winter Shelter

opportunity-dates 02 Sep 2019 - 31 May 2020
The winter shelter operates over the coldest months of the year and is run by volunteers. St James's is one of several churches taking part in this project which is coordinated by Westminster Churches Winter Shelter Our Guests are homeless men and women who are referred by an intermediate agency; it is not a drop-in service. St James provides a hot evening meal, a warm place to sleep and breakfast in the morning. T
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £9000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

St James's Church Piccadilly PCC


Project Name

Winter Shelter

Helping beneficiaries

The British population