St Anne's Hostel logo

St Anne's Hostel

icon-location 112 Moseley Street, Highgate, Birmingham, B12 0RY, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 1037430

icon-phone 01217724406


Our residents have a history of homelessness or have experienced difficulty in maintaining independent tenancies. We have strong links with other organisations aiming to assist the homeless, both locally and nationally. We are committed to providing...See more
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Continued Charitable Work

Continued Charitable Work

opportunity-dates 01 Jan 2019 - 01 Jan 2024
Your donations allow us to continue our work helping the homeless men of Birmingham and their canine companions get back on their feet and move onto permanent accommodation. *How Does My Money Help?* - £10.00 provides a welcome pack: When a homeless man comes to the Hostel. These include a tooth brush, tooth paste, shaving kit, socks and pants to help them feel more at home when they first arrive. - £20.00 will help us to provide dog food for a month: St Anne’s is one of only 2 Hostels in Birmingham that provide specially adapted rooms for men with dogs. Help us provide the food they need to keep their canine friends healthy and happy! - £50.00 will pay for a face-to-face resettlement and tenancy support advice session: These are vital to help our residents move on from the hostel to more permanent accommodation. - £100 will provide a homeless person with a passport: We all need proof of identity and not having identity documents can result in delays in obtaining a number of services and support. It is one of the most important items a homeless person needs to get out of their current situation. Donations of any size are greatly appreciated by all our staff and volunteers, but especially by the homeless men and their much-loved dogs that you are directly helping get back on their feet! Thank you
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £621374
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

St Anne's Hostel


Project Name

Continued Charitable Work

Helping beneficiaries