Sickle cell and Young Stroke Survivors logo

Sickle cell and Young Stroke Survivors

icon-location Monkleigh Road, Morden, SM4 4EQ, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 1120902

icon-phone 02072772777


1) the relief of sickness, distress and the protection and the preservation of the health of persons affected by sickle cell and stroke and any related condition and their families and carers in particular but not restricted to. 2) the advancement 0...See more
Sickle cell in Africa Patient Parent Network Conference 2020

Sickle cell in Africa Patient Parent Network Conference 2020

opportunity-dates 29 Dec 2019 - 31 Aug 2020
Sickle cell in Africa Patient/Parent Network (SCAPPN) is a unique African Network initiative formed by Sickle Cell and Young Stroke Survivors (SCYSS) as a result of its working for over 14 years in the UK and in Africa. As a Patient/Parent-led charity, SCYSS has recognized that tangible change will only happen when a network of grassroots, community-based charities and non-governmental organisations from every part of Africa come together with one strong voice. In Africa, we see that Sickle cell care and representations are overshadowed by Clinicians and Health professional, Patients are empowered to ask questions and the ‘trust me, I am a doctor’ apothegm subdues those who want to ask. SCAPPN will like to facilitate two-way communication that will empower people to ponder, question and debate the key issues about sickle cell in Africa, how different it is managed and look at what a Sickle cell cure in Africa will look like. We are now a group of 10 countries and 38 NGO's and would like to hold the 1st ever Sickle cell Patient Parent Network Conference in August 2020 in Uganda.
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £10000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Sickle cell and Young Stroke Survivors


Project Name

Sickle cell in Africa Patient Parent Network Conference 2020

Helping beneficiaries

Families and relatives of warriors.