Separated Child Foundation logo

Separated Child Foundation

icon-location 84 Cromwell Road, London, SW19 8NA, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 1120669

icon-phone 02089334588


The Separated Child Foundation’s vision is to ensure that every separated refugee child in the UK gets the support they need. Imagine having to flee your homeland because of war, terror or persecution. Imagine being a child or young person. Imagine ...See more
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Supper for Children

Supper for Children

opportunity-dates 01 Mar 2020 - 31 Mar 2021
This is the paying-in page for The Separated Child Foundation's 'Supper for Children' which is raising much needed money to support separated children who arrive in the UK with nothing. To find out more about Supper for Children, please go to: The children we support are often traumatised, having fled their homeland and their loved ones because of war, terror or persecution. They arrive here alone, because their parents have been killed, imprisoned or otherwise are unable to leave their home country. By hosting a 'Supper for Children' you are making a real difference to their young lives and moving us towards our target of £10,000 for the initiative. This will provide 285 separated children with an arrival pack giving them a warm welcome as they arrive with ‘with nothing’, dishevelled and dirty, at the end of a difficult, demanding, and often dangerous journey. An arrival pack is a duffle bag crammed full of toiletries (including a washbag and menstruation supplies for girls), a towel, socks and underwear (three pairs of each), warm clothing, a waterproof jacket, gloves, a hat and a scarf We would be very grateful if you could pay in your donations on this page. Thank you so much for helping separated children
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £10000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Separated Child Foundation


Project Name

Supper for Children

Helping beneficiaries

We work with over 90 partners across London, the South Coast, Home Counties, Midlands and the North, via whom we provide arrival and sleep packs to children. Our approach as a young charity is to work with established agencies, thus saving resources, building on existing infrastructure and ensuring that we offer complementary and not duplicating services.