Ranelagh School PTA logo

Ranelagh School PTA

icon-location Ranelagh Drive, Bracknell, RG12 9DA, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 1125897

icon-phone 01344421233

icon-email pta@ranelagh.bonitas.org.uk


Ranelagh School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is run by parent and staff volunteers who organise events and fundraising activities to help raise money for Ranelagh School. We are a registered charity that is separate from, though very much complem...See more
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17-Seater School Minibus Lease

17-Seater School Minibus Lease

opportunity-location Ranelagh Dr, Bracknell RG12 9DA, UK
opportunity-dates 01 Sep 2021 - 22 Jul 2022
To support the development of cultural capital of all students. To ensure compliance, inclusion and reliability.
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £7000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Ranelagh School PTA


Project Name

Ranelagh School PTA Fundraising 2021/2022

Helping beneficiaries

Having better facilities benefits the whole school community and helps to uphold Ranelagh's fantastic reputation to inspire future Ranelagh generations to come.

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