Quiet Connections CIC logo

Quiet Connections CIC

icon-location The Elms, 61 Green Lane, Redruth, TR15 1LS, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 10767754

icon-phone 07400197753

icon-email hello@quietconnections.co.uk


Changing the world with and for quiet people. What we’re doing: • Bringing quiet people together to boost wellbeing and confidence, increasing their sense of belonging and worthiness and helping them to live a more connected and fulfilled life. • S...See more
Community Connections

Community Connections

opportunity-location Truro TR1 1QH, UK
opportunity-dates 02 Apr 2018 - 01 Nov 2019
Using a mix of creative activities, tea and space, it’s time for gently connecting with people who have similar stories in a place where it's ok to talk and it's ok to be quiet too. Feeling that you belong is a basic human need. In becoming part of our quiet community, we grow a genuinely understanding support network and know we are not alone or broken; reducing shame and isolation. Through compassion, empathy and understanding, we embrace who we are and knowing that we are good enough; increasing self-acceptance to live authentically and confidently as an imperfect person. Any knitting, crocheting, writing, poetry, personal stories, paintings and drawings created at the groups can contribute to our Creative Yarn Bomb of Love that will be on display for mental health awareness in 2019 to shed light on those feelings we keep hidden, letting others know that they are not alone, and that we are all enough, just as we are.
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £19014.32
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Quiet Connections CIC


Project Name

Community Connections

Helping beneficiaries

Indirectly, this project benefits an individual's family and friends when that person feels more able to take part in social situations through regularly socialising with our quiet community and building their confidence. Wider society also benefits through reducing NHS costs (particularly for self-harm and suicide attempts) and increasing individuals' confidence to take up employment or progress in their career with the support and encouragement from the community.

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