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Pawprints Dog Rescue

icon-location Stave Hall Farm Kennels, Fosse Way, Monk Kirby, Rugby, CV23 0RL, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 1190250

icon-phone 07415030165


1) for the benefit of the public to relieve the suffering of animals in need of care and attention and, in particular, to provide and maintain rescue homes or other facilities for the reception, care and treatment of such animals. 2) to promote human...See more
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Rescue Dog Kennel Refurbishment

Rescue Dog Kennel Refurbishment

opportunity-location CV23 9HX Rugby
opportunity-dates 01 Jan - 01 Jul 2019
Due to changes in our regulations we have to have a separated area for our rescue dogs. This is the Audrey Miekle block, named after the wonderful lady who founded Rugby Animal Trust. The block and its associated runs are in the process of being completely refurbished thanks to a generous grant form Battersea Dogs Home and others. However all the actual work is being done by volunteers, with special thanks to Rugby Bikers. We have already done a great deal, removing old floor in the block, preparing and pouring concrete for the new, painting, removing old runs etc. There remains a good deal to be done and this might suit a company volunteer scheme who have a few active employees looking to do some fairly physical activity: - Digging and levelling groundworks - Basic wood-working - Concrete pouring and levelling - Steel dog panel erection - Wood fence erection We need to complete most of this work by July as this a term of our grant. There are a variety of tasks here suitable for teams 3-6 people
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £500
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Project Name

Rescue Dog Kennel Refurbishment

Helping beneficiaries

The old facilities were unsafe, often wet and difficult to handle dogs in.

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