Parents4Parents-NorthYorks logo


icon-location Richmond Library, 10a Queen’s Road, Richmond North Yorkshire, DL10 7AE, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 1159358

icon-phone 07590562470


Our charity is run by and for parents from local communities in North Yorkshire. We provide individual and group peer support for parents from civilian and military families who experience difficult personal and social circumstances and stressful l...See more
Rosie's Rainbow

Rosie's Rainbow

opportunity-location DL10 7AE Richmond North Yorkshire
opportunity-dates 09 Apr 2018 - 01 May 2019
This project is named after a parent who lost her life because she did not feel able to tell anyone the whole truth about the abuse she was expriencing. It will provide confidential peer support groups called "For All We Are Woth" and "Believe In You" for parents who have faced or are enduring abusive relationships. The groups will be facilitated by specially trained volunteers who have themselves survived such relationships. They will provide a safe place where parents take part in a planned programme of therapeutic activities that help them overcome the impacts of abuse, rebuild their self- esteem and find ways to free themselves from abusive relationships.
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £10000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project



Project Name

Rosie's Rainbow

Helping beneficiaries

The children who live with the parents who have faced or are facing abusive relationships and suffer from the impact that the abuse has on their abused parents and the affect that living in the environment created by the abuse has on their own emotional and mental wellbeing.

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