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Nour Al-Sham Foundation

icon-location 475a, Coventry Road, Birmingham, B10 0TJ, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 1172524

icon-phone 01215730103



1. to advance the religion of Islam across the UK by means of, but not exclusively, promoting the teachings and tenants of Islam, provision of facilities for worship and Islamic education, in accordance with the teachings of the Quran and of the prop...See more
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Eid Gift For Syrian Kids (£20 Each)  مشروع هدايا العيد لأطفال سورية

Eid Gift For Syrian Kids (£20 Each) مشروع هدايا العيد لأطفال سورية

opportunity-dates 13 Jul - 31 Aug 2019
Syrian Children are still suffering since 2011 until now, Unfortunately, Due to the bad war over there most of children they lost the full meaning of childhood … So please try to be one of the relieving reason for them and draw smiles on face some of them by donating an Eid Gift .
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £2000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Nour Al-Sham Foundation


Project Name

Eid Gift For Syrian Kids (£20 Each) مشروع هدايا العيد لأطفال سورية

Helping beneficiaries

Poor Families