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Metapraxis Ensemble

icon-location Teddington, London, TW118SP, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number EW89152

icon-phone 07897982695


A London-based, flexible group of musicians and collaborators, established in early 2009, focusing on promoting and presenting contemporary music, often in conjunction with compositions from older eras, structured around a certain narrative, and rein...See more
Research & Development of the 7th Metapraxis project (Jan 2019)

Research & Development of the 7th Metapraxis project (Jan 2019)

opportunity-location TW118SP London
opportunity-dates 27 Dec 2018
The Metapraxis are preparing for their 10th birthday in 2019, their most exciting season by far! A brand new project is being developed: inspired by the songs of F.Schubert and the playlets of S.Beckett, and featuring recent and new soundworks by living composers, it comes wrapped up in the unique atmosphere of all Metapraxis events. # OLD & NEW PROJECTS in 2019 The 2018/19 season started with a unique performance of 'Sisyphus Distressing' at the Cockpit theatre (on the 15/11/2018, as part of the Voila Europe Theatre Festival). On top of our continuing work on #Sisyphus, in our last performance we introduced a new collaboration around the use of #BSL (British Sign Language). We are now embarking on a new project based around the work of #F.Schubert and #S.Beckett , continuing our commitment to bringing older music to life along with brand new compositions. This will be our major celebratory project for our 10th season, and includes collaborations with a large variety of creators (composers and other artists), as well a tour and additional opportunities for audience engagement. All donations will be used for the research and development of this new project! Our first two events for this project in 2019 are: on Tuesday 29/01 with a concert dedicated to Greg's latest music at the Borough New Music Concert Series, and on Saturday 2/2 at the Hundred Years Gallery with our brand new project. # SUPPORT US NOW! A lot of the above depends on successful funding applications from organisations, such as those that supported our current season (Arts Council England, Hinrichsen Foundation), and private donations. For the latter, we are now on our usual donation month that we organise every 6 months. Except of the ticket for our event at the Hundred Years Gallery, donors can claim patron’s benefits (including having your name printed on promotional material/programmes, access to merchandise and audio/visual material, behind the scenes opportunities to meet the artists, and more). Donations are flexible and can also be made anonymously! With our warmest wishes, Gregory Emfietzis (Artistic Director), Alma Daskalaki & Myrto Loulaki, (Managing Directors), Anestis Papageorgiou (Trustee & Patron)
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £1000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Metapraxis Ensemble


Project Name

Research & Development of the 7th Metapraxis project (Jan 2019)

Helping beneficiaries

Collaborators of the Metapraxis Ensemble

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