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icon-location Islington High St, London, N1 8XX, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number SOCIAL_ENTERPRISE

icon-phone 07395866651


KindLink the world’s first free social media and fundraising platform for donors and transparent charities. In a social media-like environment, we create a kind-link between those who want to help and those in need.
CSR in a Box

CSR in a Box

opportunity-dates 04 Feb 2020 - 02 Jun 2022
Step-by-step guide on how to build your CSR strategy - a streamlined, actionable plan that we have put together with the help of our top corporate clients and collaborators. Ready-to-go CSR policy template - our simple, easy-to-use document helping you convey your company CSR guidelines to your employees, clients and suppliers. Company branded online CSR page for your business to promote your efforts One hour tailored consultation to help set up your CSR - Our CSR experts will work with your team to help you further develop your CSR management capabilities on the KindLink platform Access to the KindLink community and volunteering marketplace (to boost your CSR engagement and marketing) - Get in touch with charities doing good work in your sector or in your geographical area and engage your team to help the communities benefitting from their support The KindLink CSR Compliance Badge - get our official stamp of approval after demonstrating a commitment to your CSR strategy
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £100000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project



Project Name

CSR in a Box

Helping beneficiaries
