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If Everyone Cares CIC

icon-location United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 09922996

icon-phone 07540567564

icon-email jaki@ifeveryonecares.org


UK Wide Community Mapping - Not Just for Covid19

UK Wide Community Mapping - Not Just for Covid19

opportunity-dates 02 - 30 Apr 2020
These are unprecedented times. Many people are feeling isolated and are struggling to find the support they need, whilst charities and organisations are short of vital volunteers, resources and support. At aDoddle.org, we were already in the process of developing area-based community maps, connected to our existing UK wide platform aDoddle.org. Building a resource that helps both potential volunteers and those who need support to discover local organisations. We want to ‘fast-track’ the launch of a number of these connected area-based maps to help support people, organisations & communities. These are not just temporary Covid-19 directories/maps. They are a growing resource that will support people, communities, charities and community organisations/groups in these testing times and in the months, years afterwards. Our aim is to have at least two maps in each of the 12 UK regions within a couple of weeks and then continue the roll out. (We have identified 408 locations). We are happy to continue donating our time to do this - however we have some costs that we need to cover and all help will be gratefully received and well used.
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £2000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

If Everyone Cares CIC


Project Name

All charitable work

Helping beneficiaries