
icon-location 99 Grove Avenue, London, W7 3EX, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 1171959

icon-phone 07960549873

icon-email team@hgiving.com


We believe everybody deserves the opportunity to decide who they are, what they want to become, and how to take control of their own lives. Every child, no matter where they come from, has the potential within them to achieve something great. Since ...See more
Gate and Guard House

Gate and Guard House

opportunity-location W7 3EX London
opportunity-dates 01 Jan - 31 Dec 2017
We need your help to keep our children safe! Our land will eventually house a school and home for 100 orphans in Kenya, but first we need to make sure the site is secure. One of our goals is to create a sustainable centre, with crops, chickens, solar panels etc. Before we can generate sources of income, we need to make sure it can be protected. A gate and guard house is the best way to make sure the project will remain safe, and our children are protected. Countries like Kenya, currently experiencing a terrible drought, can be risky places to be at times. We need to make sure that is NOT the case for our children. Help us build a gate to keep them safe from harm.
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal $1200
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project



Project Name

Gate and Guard House

Helping beneficiaries


opportunity-location-logo Location