
icon-location 99 Grove Avenue, London, W7 3EX, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 1171959

icon-phone 07960549873

icon-email team@hgiving.com


We believe everybody deserves the opportunity to decide who they are, what they want to become, and how to take control of their own lives. Every child, no matter where they come from, has the potential within them to achieve something great. Since ...See more
Centre of Excellence

Centre of Excellence

opportunity-location W7 3EX London
opportunity-dates 01 Jan 2017 - 01 Jan 2018
Our Mission Statement Aims: To provide free housing and education to orphans, whilst growing crops and generating wealth creation and education systems to provide a sustainable future for our Centre and the surrounding community to help them climb out of poverty forever. How we do it Short term: Our aims will be achieved in the short term by: Purchase an acre of land Provide temporary structures, whilst designing/building permanent ones Get the site fully up to spec and enlist and support our first 100 orphans Bring volunteers to the site to utilize their skills and improve the project and services offered. Reach out to the local community to offer jobs, education and support. Long Term: In the long term we will: Build a safe, sustainable and permanent site, fully equipped and up to spec, to use as our ‘model’ Once the site is fully systematized and simplified, we will expand, spreading first across Kenya, then Africa and then beyond. We will support local communities wherever we go, to make a real lasting change. Through fundraising and wealth creation we will put all of our orphans through school and help build a better future.
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal $100000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project



Project Name

Centre of Excellence

Helping beneficiaries


opportunity-location-logo Location