Hertford Museum logo

Hertford Museum

icon-location Hertford Museum 18 Bull Plain, Hertford, SG14 1DT, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 312142

icon-phone 01992582686

icon-email enquiries@hertfordmuseum.org.uk


Hertford Museum aims to collect, preserve and interpret evidence of the history of the county town and surrounding parishes in the District of East Hertfordshire for the interest, enjoyment and understanding of the local community and other visitors....See more
Hertford Museum Fundraising

Hertford Museum Fundraising

opportunity-location Bull Plain, Hertford SG14 1DT, UK
opportunity-dates 01 Jan 2018 - 01 Jan 2023
It costs around £200,000 per year to run Hertford Museum, caring for in excess of 100,000 objects illustrating the heritage of East Herts, delivering at least four temporary exhibitions each year, numerous free and low cost events for all ages, a wide range of workshops and resources for schools as well as a local history enquiry service. Please help us continue to share, engage and inspire by donating what you can in support of our much loved and valued museum
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £200000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Hertford Museum


Project Name

Hertford Museum Fundraising

Helping beneficiaries


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