Guy s Trust logo

Guy s Trust

icon-location 24 Southern Road, London, N2 9LG, United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 1146422

icon-phone 07957494572


Guy's Trust was established in memory of Guy Joseph who died, aged 25, in a paragliding accident in 2011. The charity focuses on projects that reflect his interests, his life and the places with which he had a connection, specifically providing educa...See more
A Night of Magic and Illusion

A Night of Magic and Illusion

opportunity-dates 25 Apr 2020
Join us for a Night of Magic and Illusion with New York magician Bill Herz. Tickets £35 per person; supper with wine included.
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal £5000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Guy s Trust


Project Name

A Night of Magic and Illusion

Helping beneficiaries

Children in the village where we are building the school.