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Fursad Fund

icon-location United Kingdom

icon-charity Registration number 0000000

icon-phone +447498106920

icon-email dmohamed@fursadfund.org


Fursad Fund is Somalia's first independent trust fund, entirely funded and managed by Somalis for the sole purpose of creating opportunities in employment, entrepreneurship, business, education and training. We focus on creating these opportunities ...See more


opportunity-dates 01 Jan 2017 - 01 Jan 2018
Our general project which can be used to fund-raise on our website and for general appeals Fursad Fund has conducted a survey of 50 women entrepreneurs in Mogadishu; our results suggested that existing support services are inadequate for promoting, supporting and keeping these female entrepreneurs in business. There are at least 2,900 meat and vegetable sellers in Mogadishu. Most of these women borrow the produce they sell on that day and repay that money back on the same day. Some days they are lucky but unfortunately, they are not always lucky most of the time. As result of our findings, we have designed and developed project Kaamilo, which is aimed at supporting, promoting and keeping females entrepreneurs in business by providing them with loans to potentially diversify and or expand their small businesses. 20 women were chosen as beneficiaries of Kaamilo project that received training and micro-finance loan. Our goal with the training was to teach them how to assess the market (demand and supply), developing their business tricks, improve their visibility and accounting skills. We believe that when strong and business-minded women are given the necessary opportunities, she will stay in business longer, and she will be able to feed her family and send her kids to school. Our goal is to support and give opportunities to at least 500 women entrepreneurs through Kaamilo project.
icon-status Donation/Grant Opportunity
Target Goal $100000
icon-campaign-status-header Charity & Project

Fursad Fund


Project Name


Helping beneficiaries